BBC Radio 4 Extra becomes UK's biggest digital radio station with 2.17 million listeners; has overtaken 6 MUSIC and classical music station RADIO 3.
MORE... theguardian.com
L'Irlande a voté en faveur du mariage gay 5/23/2015
L'Irlande a voté en faveur du mariage homosexuel à 62,1% et
est le 19è pays dans le monde , le 14è en Europe, à légaliser le mariage gay +
devient le 1er pays au monde à l'avoir fait par référendum.
PLUS... francetvinfo, leparisien.fr, theguardian.co.uk
Conservative victory at the 2015 General Election- UK 5/10/2015
THE CONSERVATIVES have won the 2015 general election, with a majority of 12.
DAVID CAMERON returns to Downing Street for five more years.
326 seats needed to win:
SNP : 56 Scottish National Party
LD : 8 - PC: 3 - GRN: 1 - UKIP : 1 - OTH: 18.
Parties grouped under 'others' include the DUP 8, Sinn Fein 4, SDLP 3, UUP 2 and Independent 1. Electoral turnout was 66.1%.
The SNP has won a landslide victory (victoire écrasante) in Scotland, winning 56 seats.
MORE... http://www.bbc.com/news/election-2015-32633008#
Grande marée, rapportée dans le Canberra Times, AUSTRALIE. 22/3/2015
A supertide turns France's famed Mont Saint-Michel into an island.
MORE... http://www.canberratimes.com.au
'"A supertide turns France's famed Mont Saint-Michel into an island. 'Supertide' (super marée) draws (attire) thousands to French site [...] Thirty thousand people [30,000 tourists] have flocked to Mont Saint-Michel to see the "tide of the century" surround the picturesque French landmark [...]
Eclipse solaire aux Iles Faroe- 20/3/2015
Solar eclipse, best seen from the Faroe islands
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magnifique vidéo prise par la BBC aux îles Faroe
Solar eclipse 2015 - Stargazing Live - BBC One- Faroe Islands
is an archipelago between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, approximately halfway between Norway and Iceland, 320 kilometres (200 mi) north-northwest of mainland Scotland. The area is approximately 1,400 km2 (540 sq mi) with a 2010 population of 50,000. The Faroe Islands have been a self-governing country within the Danish Realm.
The next chance to see a total solar eclipse in the U.S. will be Aug. 21, 2017.
"I am Charlie" 7/1/2015
Terrorist attack at CHARLIE HEBDO weekly newspaper today.
16 casualties: 12 killed (drawers and cartoonists) and 4 wounded (hurt, injured).
_Wednesday 7th : 1st shootings at Charlie Hebdo weekly newspaper. 16 casualties : 12 killed (drawers/ cartoonists ...) and 4 injured (wounded/ hurt). Freed after police officers launched an assault.
_Thursday 8th: 2nd shootings : 1 policewoman killed at Montrouge, Paris.
_Friday 9th: 3rd shootings: 4 killed, and others injured, at Cour de Vincennes, Paris, in a Kosher supermarket. 15 hostages. Freed after the police launched an assault.
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_ http://www.theguardian.com/uk (journal THE GUARDIAN, UK)
_ http://edition.cnn.com/world (journal CNN, US)
_voir aussi le site de Michelle Henry :
MORE CARTOONS: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/08/europe/charlie-hebdo-cartoons/index.html
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