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Anglais facile 2
Recap' 2 (suite)
Rap + Verbes irréguliers + Vidéo
Patrymichkl Kowalsky
Rap + Prononciation des verbes réguliers au prétérit + vidéo
ColloClass Lesson 3 with Fluency MC! - Fluency MC
ColloClass Lesson 3 with Fluency MC! - Fluency MC
- L'alphabet + prononciation (phonétique)
présenté par 'Linguaspectrum' Très bien
présenté par 'Linguaspectrum' Très bien
- L'appartenance : le nom de mon frère/ le chien de ma soeur / les enfants de ma tante...
. my brother'S name is ... (le nom de mon frère est) -> POSSESSEUR SINGULIER + ' S + ...
. my sister'S dog is ... (le chien de ma soeur est)
. my aunt'S children are ... (les enfants de ma tante)
. my father 'S car is ... (la voiture de mon père est)
. my parents ' car is ... (la voiture de mes parents) -> POSSESSEUR PLURIEL + ' (pas 's)
. my cousins ' house is ...
.the children 'S toys are ... (les jouets des enfants sont) -> POSSESSEUR PLURIEL IRREGULIER SANS S + '
. my sister'S dog is ... (le chien de ma soeur est)
. my aunt'S children are ... (les enfants de ma tante)
. my father 'S car is ... (la voiture de mon père est)
. my parents ' car is ... (la voiture de mes parents) -> POSSESSEUR PLURIEL + ' (pas 's)
. my cousins ' house is ...
.the children 'S toys are ... (les jouets des enfants sont) -> POSSESSEUR PLURIEL IRREGULIER SANS S + '
-Vocabulaire, Grammaire, Idiomes, Expressions
-Adresse email
[email protected]
jenny DOT winston HIGH DASH price AT hotmail DOT com
. dot
- high dash (6) or : high hyphen
_ low dash (8) or : low hyphen or : underline
@ at
/ slash
: semi colon
jenny DOT winston HIGH DASH price AT hotmail DOT com
. dot
- high dash (6) or : high hyphen
_ low dash (8) or : low hyphen or : underline
@ at
/ slash
: semi colon
on écrit : on dit :
1- October 21st 2012 1- October the twenty-first , two thousand and twelve
2- 21st October 2012 2- The twenty-first of October, two thousand and twelve
3- October 21, 2012 3- October twenty-first, two thousand and twelve
on lit :
1800 : eighteen hundred but 2000 : two thousand
1945 : nineteen (hundred and) forty-five but 2008 : two thousand and eight
- write : I was elected on November 4th 2009 or :
I was elected on 4th November 2009
- pronounce : "I was elected on the fourth of November two thousand and nine"./ twenty oh nine
Situation :
A. What's the date ?
B. It's October the first.
A. When were you born?
B. I was born on October the first // on the first of October.
1- October 21st 2012 1- October the twenty-first , two thousand and twelve
2- 21st October 2012 2- The twenty-first of October, two thousand and twelve
3- October 21, 2012 3- October twenty-first, two thousand and twelve
on lit :
1800 : eighteen hundred but 2000 : two thousand
1945 : nineteen (hundred and) forty-five but 2008 : two thousand and eight
- write : I was elected on November 4th 2009 or :
I was elected on 4th November 2009
- pronounce : "I was elected on the fourth of November two thousand and nine"./ twenty oh nine
Situation :
A. What's the date ?
B. It's October the first.
A. When were you born?
B. I was born on October the first // on the first of October.
DATES (suite)
on lit :
27 / 05 / 1997
1- May the twenty-seventh, nineteen ninety-seven.
2- the twenty-seventh of May, nineteen ninety-seven.
on écrit :
1- 27 May 1997
2- 27th May 1997
3- May 27, 1997.
En anglais américain / in American English
- le n° de l'appartement est précédé du symbole #
-> ex Apartment #2-A
- zip code (code postal) : s'écrit sur la m^me ligne que la ville et l'abréviation de l'état
-> ex San Diego, CA 92401
27 / 05 / 1997
1- May the twenty-seventh, nineteen ninety-seven.
2- the twenty-seventh of May, nineteen ninety-seven.
on écrit :
1- 27 May 1997
2- 27th May 1997
3- May 27, 1997.
En anglais américain / in American English
- le n° de l'appartement est précédé du symbole #
-> ex Apartment #2-A
- zip code (code postal) : s'écrit sur la m^me ligne que la ville et l'abréviation de l'état
-> ex San Diego, CA 92401
-écrire une lettre + répondre
Lettre n° 1- un exemple de Niveau A2 cadre européen, supposé acquis en fin de 3è ] :
Manchester, 3rd September
Hi !
How are you? Thanks a lot for your letter and the photos. Your family look great !
Here is the photo of my team. I love playing soccer. We have a match every Saturday at 3 pm. We train twice a week.
What about you? What is your favourite activity ?
Tell me all about it !
Hope to hear from you soon, (I look forward to hearing from you soon!)
Lettre n° 2- un exemple de réponse possible, niveau A2 :
Paris, September 12th
Hello Jim,
Thank you for your letter. I'm fond of football too but I don't play in a team. I prefer music and dancing.
Every Wednesday, I have a tectonic dance lesson with my friends Jessica and Steven.The lesson starts at half past six and finishes at 8pm. We sometimes dance together on Saturday night too. We meet at the local leisure centre and dance with many friends. It's really fun!
What about you? Do you like tectonic dance?
Looking forward to your reply! (reply soon!)
-> écrire: date + salutations + phrase d'introduction / remerciement - texte + questions + fin de lettre + signature.
Manchester, 3rd September
Hi !
How are you? Thanks a lot for your letter and the photos. Your family look great !
Here is the photo of my team. I love playing soccer. We have a match every Saturday at 3 pm. We train twice a week.
What about you? What is your favourite activity ?
Tell me all about it !
Hope to hear from you soon, (I look forward to hearing from you soon!)
Lettre n° 2- un exemple de réponse possible, niveau A2 :
Paris, September 12th
Hello Jim,
Thank you for your letter. I'm fond of football too but I don't play in a team. I prefer music and dancing.
Every Wednesday, I have a tectonic dance lesson with my friends Jessica and Steven.The lesson starts at half past six and finishes at 8pm. We sometimes dance together on Saturday night too. We meet at the local leisure centre and dance with many friends. It's really fun!
What about you? Do you like tectonic dance?
Looking forward to your reply! (reply soon!)
-> écrire: date + salutations + phrase d'introduction / remerciement - texte + questions + fin de lettre + signature.